
'Wowwww. Fantastic'..……..RW 'Lycos'

'…..It (the artwork) looks lovely'...….RS 'the Kingfisher's Domain'

'Wow! I think you've captured her brilliantly'..... ED 'Tya'

'It's beauuuutiful!'.....JW 'Meghan'

'.....on holiday....I saw 'the Kestrel'. Unbelievable image. It's now part of my art collection in California'..... BH 'The Kestrel'

'It is stunning.......J loves it'........BH 'Kylie'

'We absolutely love it, the painting is so much like Ferdy down to the smallest detail'.......BB 'Ferdy'

'We absolutely love the picture of Bud. It is fantastic!'......RW 'Bud'

'Oh my goodness me, it's beautiful.......thank you.'.........JE, 'Ella'

'Just to say thanks again for (the picture of) 'Stan', it's brilliant and can't wait for my wife to open it on Christmas Day'.........DS 'Stan'

'I gave the portrait of 'Chance' to my friend, She was overwhelmed with joy. She was thrilled at how well you'd captures the expression in his eyes and his whole look.......Thank you for putting such care into this beautiful portrait'........BD 'Chance'